Modern Phone Systems

VoIP phone Davis Advanced Technologies

Phones in Today’s Office Environment                 In today’s businesses more and more offices are making the move from traditional phone lines to a type of internet phone system. This allows users to have more lines and more control over how their phone system is set up. A SIP trunk is one such system and is…

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Supply And Demand

supply vs demand graph

Supply and Demand As we have learned in the last 2 years, there is nothing more frustrating than needing to buy an item that previously was always available. Only to find now that you cannot locate said item anywhere. It may have begun with toilet paper, but now the shortages are in everything, from parts…

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Security Today

New Years 2022

Methods of staying Secure                 We here at Davis Advanced Technologies, Inc hope each of you had a Happy Holidays and a very Happy New Year! We are looking forward to another year of serving our customer’s technical needs and keeping them safe from cybercrimes. If the last year has taught us anything, it is…

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No Gadget Gift Ideas

Christmas 2021 Davis Advanced Technologies

As we get closer to another Christmas holiday season, many of us are struggling to find that perfect gift. As more options are available, it is harder to decide what each person on your shopping list will want. In the past decade, “tech” gifts have become more popular. From smartphones to tablets and laptops, everyone…

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October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Cybersecurity Awareness Month Davis Advanced Technologies

October Has become Cybersecurity Awareness month since its official beginning on October 4th, 2010. In 2009 the need for this type of campaign was recognized by President Obama and plans were put into motion to heighten awareness. This campaign was designed to make people think before they click. Teaching people about internet safety and how…

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COVID-19-HIPAA-Davis Advanced Technologies

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed many things in our daily lives. Society is divided between groups that want to help stop this virus, groups that believe it’s only political and won’t affect them, and everything in between. While the changes we have seen will affect how we move ahead in the future, some of these…

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Chip Shortage

close up of motherboard - Davis Advanced Technologies

There are so many things that have been affected by the global pandemic the world has been thrust into.  While the most tragic is the loss of life and health due to the virus, the secondary effects may be felt for years to come. Shortages of workers in manufacturing jobs have had a large negative…

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RaaS Davis Advanced Technologies

News reports recently have shown that ransomware attacks are rising at a rapid pace. Many may wonder why this is. Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) is a new take on a get rich quick scheme that hackers have devised. This scheme allows them to get paid for very little work and almost as little risk. This business model…

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Cyber Attacks on the Rise

networking graphic - Davis Advanced Technologies

Ransomware attacks are on the rise around the globe. You cannot turn on the news or open social media without hearing about another company hit with a cyber-attack. The attack on the oil refinery and pipeline as well as the attack on the meat processing plants are just two of the most recent. Nursing homes…

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